Monday, October 22, 2007

I am blessed.

It has come across my mind over the past week, how blessed I truly am. Let me explain…

A woman with infertility looks at another woman and thinks, "She is so blessed to be able to have children with no difficulty! I would give anything to have that blessing!"

But a different woman might look at her and say, “She is so blessed to have insurance that helps her pay for fertility procedures! I would give anything to have that blessing!”

Meanwhile, someone may look at that woman and say, “She is so blessed to have the opportunity to try so many fertility procedures, even though she has to pay for them! I have been told my husband and I will never have children. I would give anything to have that blessing!”

At the same time, someone may look at that person and say, “Wow. She is so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. I recently lost my husband. I would give anything to have that blessing!”

But, someone may look at her and say, “She was so blessed to have that time with her husband. My life has been great, but I never found someone to share my life with. I would give anything to have that blessing!”

And at that same moment, someone else would look at her and say, “She is so blessed to be healthy. I am very sick and may never recover. I would give anything to have that blessing!”

Do you see where I am going with this? It seems like no matter who you are or what your circumstances, there is someone out there who would call you “blessed”. And so I am saving everyone the trouble and I am trying each day to give that label to myself.

Is there heartbreak? Yes. Are there trials? Oh, yeah. But am I still blessed? You better believe it! And so are you…


teridiane said...

So true, Michelle! Right now I really need that perspective. I always try and focus on the blessings in my life instead of what I don't have, but right now it's so hard. When you want something SO badly and keep getting diappointed time after time, it's easy to lose sight of that perspective, you know? But I know it's what I need to do. Thanks for reminding me :)

Anonymous said...

I miss you! You always see the silver lining. What you say is so true. It is very easy to get caught in a cycle of seeing everyone else's blessing, but not the trials and sacrifices they went through to get there. Taking time to not just count your blessings, but own your blessings is an important daily activity that I often forget. Thank you for reminding me. I miss your inspiration.