Saturday, February 12, 2011

I don’t belong here…

I joined one of those mommy-to-be message boards. I needed an outlet during all these weeks of “secrecy”. Although it has been helpful hearing other people’s experiences and learning what I am feeling physically is “normal”, I have come to realize I just don’t belong.

The women on the board are very sweet. In their defense, if I didn’t spend years giving blood, sweat and tears for this pregnancy, I could imagine myself saying some of the same things they do. Maybe…

But I just can’t help feeling like a few of them will never, ever fully comprehend the beautiful gift they have been given. Many of them received this gift without any effort on their part. Some of them received the gift without even desiring it.

I think it’s true... Infertility changes who you are forever. It never goes away.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Yeah, I couldnt do those boards... I needed my "own" type (ie infertiles) or I started thinking WTF when I read posts.