Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Today's Ultrasound

Well, we had another ultrasound. All day I kept silently telling Katelyn to keep those cute little hands out of her face so we could see her.

Today I learned our daughter has a sense of humor.

She kept her hands to her sides all right, just as mommy had wanted.

She found a different way to hide her face...

Her feet! The little stinker!

So we really couldn't see her too well throughout the ultrasound. But everything is measuring on track and she seems healthy and perfect, which is what's important. We were also able to confirm again that she's a girl.

The most surprising thing about the appointment was Katelyn's weight. I know these estimates are often wrong, but they had her weighing in at 3 pounds 7 ounces! I was impressed. Seems I'm growing her right. The tech estimated at this rate, Katelyn will be about 8 or 8 1/2 pounds at birth. Again, they are often wrong with these estimates, but it still was interesting to hear. :)

So, that was today's experience and, just for good measure, I'll end with a picture of Katelyn sticking her tongue out at us, happy to have foiled our ultrasound plans again with her contortionist ways. ;)


Tami said...

Awwww so cute!!!!! :D

Bridget said...

oh how precious!! So glad she is measuring right where she is supposed to!

Sarah said...

Awww Hi lil katelyn!!!! :)

Susie Demke said...

Haha! Love it! I feel like I'm having this baby I'm so excited with anticipation!