Last Friday marked 28 weeks of pregnancy, and today is Day 200.
80 days to go!
I can’t believe how wonderful the last 200 days have been. Yes, there have been tears, fears and heartache, but the joy has been immeasurable. Daily, I have moments when I stop and think, “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I am finally going to be a mom.” I still have worries I will wake up and this will all be some sort of crazy dream. I can’t believe this is my life!
Last night, Ryan and I went to a breastfeeding education class. It was very informative and we were both glad we went. What absolutely shocked me (and Ryan) was how MISERABLE most of the women acted. Most were further along than me by about a month, but I have never seen so many women grunting, groaning, sighing, asking their husbands to rub their back, etc etc. At one point, it was all I could do not to stand on my chair and scream, “What are you moaning about??? Don’t you know you are among the most blessed women in the world? Women who are about to become mothers! Do you know how many women would give anything to be you right now?” Frustrating!
I am so grateful for the perspective I have on this whole experience. I have had my little bumps in the road during pregnancy, but overall I have been unimaginably blessed and I wouldn’t change a thing. Every time I am asked how I’m feeling (a daily occurrence), I am able to respond with an enthusiastic and sincere, “Great!” The inquirer usually shoots me a skeptical look or asks, “Really?” I just smile.
Life is a miracle and I get to carry my miracle around with me everywhere I go. Doesn’t get much better than that!
Day 200:

Yay for 200 days! And an even bigger YAY for only 80 more until she's here!!! You look adorable in the pic:) There are very few things I can thank infertility for, but having that exact same perspective is something Im thankful for. I KNOW how blessed Ill be when Im carrying my baby and I'm so happy about that. :)
You are looking more and more adorable with each passing week! Love the top!!
Hmm, your perspective is very refreshing. I am pregnant and dealing with morning sickness (around the clock), so it is good to be reminded that I'm lucky. ;) Now excuse me while I go retch . . .
Oh - and your pic is very cute.
You look great! I am about a week behind you and feel the same way. Even if I feel like crap, have horrible heartburn, back pain and leg cramps -- I can't complain!!
That shirt is SO cute! Love it! I love reading your blog. I think that now I am hoping to be having my own baby in January, my perspective on pregnancy is one of the greatest gifts that my journey with infertility has given me. I think had I been one of those to get pregnant exactly when I wanted to, I would have been complaining, I would have been frustrated and annoyed. But now that I realize how much of a blessing and gift it is, I try so much harder not to take it for granted.
Yay!!! (BTW where did you get that shirt??) :D
I agree- it is so frustrating to hear pregnant women complain. I think if they took two seconds to reflect on the miracle that is within them, before complaining, they would realize they are so so so lucky. (Sort of like the strategy that if you are really mad, count to 10 before you say anything...) Anyway, so excited to share this journey with you! I am in awe that we only have 80ish days left!!!
Congrats on 200 days!! So glad you are feeling great!
Yay!! I'm so happy for you guys!! I can't wait to meet Katelyn!! WOOHOO!!
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