Quite a long way I've come from not wanting to take any 'belly shots', huh? Somewhere along the line I realized... Who knows what infertility has in store for me after Katelyn comes. This may be the only time I'll be pregnant like this and, although it has had its ups and downs, I never want to forget what it looked like. I never want to forget how beautiful it was.
So I asked Ryan to take a picture for me. It was out of my comfort zone for sure, but I decided not to care. I put on one of his white dress shirts, rolled up the sleeves, grabbed a flower and he snapped the photo. It was the perfect time to do it... no stretch marks (yet...), my innie belly button is still "in" (not for long!), I feel pretty good.
I want to remember this forever. For many years I wondered if I would ever be pregnant. Many times I was convinced I never would be. And here we are. In less than ten minutes, my hubby permanently captured this time in our lives. And in such a beautiful way. I love him for that.
That picture is so cute, and tasteful! I totally understand your feelings, now trailing in your foot steps after 7 long years...it is just surreal! You are so close! :D
I love that picture!!!
So beautiful! I'm so glad you decided to capture that baby belly. You'll be thanking yourself for years and years :)
What a beautiful picture!
You will NEVER regret taking this photo! I was a week away from having my maternity pics taken and I went into labor...Oh well! I got the BABY! But yes this is a beautiful picture!
what a beautiful picture! you're georgeous!
You look very beautiful in that picture. I'm so excited for you and will cont to pray for you.
I thought for sure you when and got professional shots taken. That picture is amazing! I never took a bare belly shot, but I love all my clothed belly shots. This picture might just convince me to do a bare shot if I ever get pregnant again. I didn't get any stretch marks till the very end and they were only a few on the sides. And I think my belly button pretty much stayed in the whole time. Hopefully you'll be the same! I am so excited to see pictures of Katelyn when she arrives and to hear your thoughts on being a mother. You will love it. There are definitely two types of motherhood. Regular motherhood, and post-infertility motherhood. I'm actually glad I got to experience the second one because I think it's way better than the first. Well, I assume so. :)
I LOVE this picture! It`s sooooo beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us!! :)
beautiful picture :) funny thing is that when I read the title, my first thought was "wow, 30 weeks, she is really far along!!"
and then I realized I'll be there tomorrow... wow, time has flown, and I am so thankful for every second!!
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