Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Word...

I have invented a new word:


noun \ˈmämˈsnäb\

Definition :

1 A woman who, after engaging in the act of birthing a child, automatically assumes they are more important and more mature than women who have not engaged in this activity
2 A woman who, after engaging in the act of birthing a child, decides it is no longer necessary to speak with or befriend women who have not engaged in this activity

— mom·snob \-ˌer\ noun
— mom·snobby \-ish\ adjective

Sentence Example: If I ever beat infertility, I will never become a mom-snob.

See Also: Chameleon


Krista said...

So true! All of my "mom-friends" have this secret society that I am not privileged to. Why is that?! It’s like….oh you don’t know anything because you’re not a mom! Oh....and why is it that as soon as a friend finds out she is pregnant or has just given birth suddenly her friends on facebook double? Is that because others finally think you are worthy of being their friend now that you are a mother? I don’t get it…I wonder if anyone else has noticed that.

Hillary said...

Love it!!

Savannah said...

Very perfectly stated.

Lil La said...

love that word. so true about the secret society of mommies, kids and "playdates" i can't stand that word playdate! inferts never get "playdate" invites.

Tami said...

Know a lot of these myself. Its interesting though because even IF couples don't seem to want to be friends with other IF couples...its very odd. Like this post though, its true!! :)

Mrs. Lydon said...

I love this defintition, i know a few, and feel the same way :) I will NEVER become one!!!

A said...

haha! it's perfect! i know a ton of mom snobs!

LaNelle said...

amen! Could not agree more...this just made my night! Mom-snob is officially added to my vocabulary! :)

Debbie said...

Very appropriate! Love it. So sad that it's so true.

kirby said...

oh michelle! i have to admit that made me laugh. i know exactly what you're talking about! and i hate to admit it, but it still kinda feels that way even after you have babies! it's like being the newbie freshman on campus...and my dear, you WILL beat infertility, it's just a matter of when, not if. i know it! :)