Yesterday, I began spotting just a bit. Nothing extreme, just a pale, pale pink. It concerned the doctor's office enough to put me on bed rest for the weekend. They also ordered me a new medication to replace the Endometrin. It is Progesterone (Ethyl Oleate) in injection form.
I had 2 choices:
1. Stop the Endocmetrin immediately and start the Progesterone shot right away
2. Keep with what I'm on and start the shots if the spotting gets worse
We ultimately decided to switch to the shots. If something goes wrong, I never want to look back and wonder 'what if'.
But I am very scared! This Progesterone is given through an intramuscular shot. Like a 2" huge needle into my butt. The stories I've read about it are nightmarish. Knots under the skin, horrible hot rashes, bad bruising, lots of pain. I'll do this everyday, in the same area, for the next 2 months.
Whatever it takes... whatever it takes...
I had 2 choices:
1. Stop the Endocmetrin immediately and start the Progesterone shot right away
2. Keep with what I'm on and start the shots if the spotting gets worse
We ultimately decided to switch to the shots. If something goes wrong, I never want to look back and wonder 'what if'.
But I am very scared! This Progesterone is given through an intramuscular shot. Like a 2" huge needle into my butt. The stories I've read about it are nightmarish. Knots under the skin, horrible hot rashes, bad bruising, lots of pain. I'll do this everyday, in the same area, for the next 2 months.
Whatever it takes... whatever it takes...
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