Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I've some received emails wondering how Katelyn is doing, and how motherhood is treating me.  Katelyn is doing wonderfully!  She is my sweet, petite little baby and I am in LOVE.  Motherhood is the most thrilling, rewarding and exhausting thing I have ever experienced.  I have reached such clarity with the infertility and can honestly say that Katelyn joined our family in the right way and at the right time.  The waiting was hard, almost unbearable at times, but I wouldn't have changed a thing because this journey brought us our baby girl.  Every tear, every heartache, totally worth it.

So here are some photos of Katelyn's first six weeks!

Just home from the hospital
Sad Face!
First real bath
All clean!
Almost 3 weeks old!
Pumpkin Patch Day
Lookit that kitty!
Napping with Daddy
Happy Halloween!
Daddy Daughter Costumes
I glow!
First day at church - Nov 6
No more pictures!  I'm ready for lunch...
Family Picture
Sly little look
6 weeks old!


Tami said...

She is SO cute!!!! You look so happy and content. :) I understand what you mean about getting some clairity about infertility. Even though my little boy isn't here yet, I have come to terms with a lot of what happened over the last 7 years to get to this point. I wouldn't change any of it either. And I hope that feeling only intensifies once my baby is here! She is precious!!! :)

Sarah said...

Oh my! She is amazing! :) Glad you are all doing well. She's beautiful!cot

Bridget said...

She is just so sweet! I'm so glad everything is going well for you! And uou look great!

Luna said...

I LOVE the sly look! And the hat she is wearing is adorable!

Hope said...

What a beautiful little girl. :-)

No Baby Ruth said...

Yay for the update, even if it's just to leave us with pictures of your beautiful daugther!! Katelyn is absolutely gorgeous!! I'm glad that you are doing well.

Krista said...

She's so precious Michelle! I love all her little outfits!! Glad you are loving mommy-hood so much!