Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Around Here

Last minute preparations are going on around here... For the most part, we are ready to go.  Katelyn has everything she will need in the beginning at least.  The laundry's done, her bag is packed.  Now we are just doing the odds and ends.  Like I really need my bathroom floors scrubbed.  Not mopped.  *Scrubbed.*  But that should happen today.

Her nursery isn't quite finished either.  I need to paint a few frames and put those up.  Also, her wooden name letters.  I have a few more ties I need to do on her quilt.  I wanted to do a little pillow for her rocking chair.  The biggest project of all is her bird mobile.  I have all the birds cut out and pinned, but they need to be sewn, stuffed and mounted on the twigs.  Then hung of course.  None of these things matter when it comes to bringing her home, but it would be lovely if they were done before she gets here.

We also have no food in this house.  I know many women pack their freezer in preparation for the birth, but I just haven't gotten bit by that bug.  I admire them though, because I am sure they will be reaping the rewards in a few weeks while I send my hubby out for Subway.  Again.

As for how I am feeling?  As good as can be expected!  I am not feeling miserable or anything.  Just uncomfortable, mostly when I am in my office chair at work or sitting at church.  I haven't really been having contractions too much, just random ones here and there.  Mostly, I've been having period-like cramps.  They can be pretty strong and can last for a few hours at a time.  I've had them in the front and also in my back.  I usually just try to rest and I sometimes take a Tylenol, which doesn't do much.  Nothing unbearable though, just intense and uncomfortable.  When they happen, I just try to picture my cervix cramping and dilating, getting ready for our little girl to COME OUT! :)

Ryan thinks we will have an October baby.  Last night, he predicted we would be going out to dinner on our due date.  For some reason, I think she'll come before that.  Both are just wild guesses.  We'll see what happens!


Savannah said...

Ten days seems so close and yet so far at the same time. I'm no go at predictions, so I'll leave that to you.

A said...

yay, we are so close!!! praying we each have healthy, happy labors and deliveries!!

Bridget said...

10 days!! I am looking forward to hearing all about your labor, good luck!!

Lindsey said...

Yay, so exciting!!!!

Dani said...

Isla came on her due date! :)

I found sitting on my exercise ball was more comfortable at work. My boss was really good about letting me keep it in my office and I would trade off between that and my chair all day. It really helped my back.

April said...

Thinking of you!!