So, I've been feeling a tad concerned... I cramped for about 8 hours or so last night. Not round ligament pain, more like the cramps I get with my period. At one point, it got pretty uncomfortable (about a 6 out of 10). I hate that feeling of anxiety and worry that comes with it.
I still have them today, but not as constant. I am trying to drink more water and not worry. I called my doctor’s office and they told me to “take it easy” and “think positive”. Other than that they don’t have much else to say. They aren’t concerned because I’m not spotting or bleeding, but I am on the Progesterone shots. I didn’t bleed with my previous miscarriage or when I lost Andie, so the lack of blood isn’t particularly comforting to me.
My other pregnancy symptoms are still there, the mild nausea, hunger and some twinges in my chest. But the cramps are so unnerving. I am hoping it’s just my uterus growing and getting ready to “pop” over my pelvic bone…
Keep the faith! :)
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I have heard that some women cramp when they are growing so try not to worry. Will keep you in my prayers and so glad all your other pregnancy symptoms are still there.
(((Hugs))) Thinking of you. I hope it turns out to be just growth cramps.
not that i know anything, but are you sure they aren't gas discomfort cramps? i am having gas sort of pains/crampiness today, and it is driving me crazy and very uncomfortable. praying both our babies are healthy (HUG)
I got the same thing around 14 weeks (I think? Maybe 12...) They felt like period cramps and I had them for a few days. I called my midwife and she told me that I was probably dehydrated and to drink A LOT more water. After a day or two they went away and I haven't felt them since. If your doctor isn't too concerned then just take it easy for a bit. But listen to your instincts, if it gets worse or continues, I would call them back. :)
Cramps freak me out too...I know my next pg, this will worry me to no end. I won't go into the details to make you worry more, but still having your other symptoms is a GREAT sign.
Prayers being said for you. Keep your chin up! :)
Every time some weird pain happens I fight my brain to stay positive. Mind over matter is the best medicine sometimes. Everything will be ok, sending good vibes and relief your way:).
Try not to worry! The same thing happened to me at about 11 weeks. i actually went to the ER because I was in a lot of pain.
The Dr. thought I was probably dehydrated and gave me an IV of fluids. As soon as I was rehydrated the cramps went away. Drink way more water than you think you need...Stay off your feet ( as much as possible )
Your risk of miscarriage at this stage is really low....
Best to you!
I had cramps so bad, with RJ and with the's painful when your uterus is growing, especially after I would eat almost like i could feel it growing.......Positive thoughts and prayers going your way.
Love you! Tiffany:)
I had cramps up until about 18 weeks off and on, they are so disconcerting! But everything was fine, just had my baby girl on Sunday. (it's even better than you think it will be :o)
i realize i may have violated your rule #6- i hope you will still have me here ;-)
Thinking and praying for you that it is nothing and that the pain is just from growing for that special little one :)
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