Sunday, November 28, 2010

Time Off for Good Behavior

I took a test early this morning and it was negative. My official test date is tomorrow. However, if I was pregnant, it would have shown up in today's test. I am positive about that. I buy the most sensitive tests on the market, and they are accurate on the day before your period for nearly all women.

Sure enough, two hours later, it appears my period has begun, despite my friend Prometrium.

Ryan really wants to take some time off, so we will, but it's going to be hard going through the holidays not pregnant and not in treatment.


Then we'll try IUI with Follistim one last time.


To read all the posts from this treatment cycle, CLICK HERE.


Sky said...

Oh dear. I'm sorry this cycle didn't work out. :(
I think it's true too that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. But when we get to that low point where we feel like we can't, He gives us a little something (hope, encouragement, peace, laughter, energy) to keep going. And then when we think WE can do it with drugs and Drs and this and that God shows us that we need to depend on him. I hope you do receive that little something you need to keep going. Hugs to you!!

Hope said...

(((HUGS))) I am so sorry this cycle didn't work out for you. After all the build up, it must be a huge disappointment to get your period instead of a BFP.

I hope you can find a way to enjoy the holidays, even though I know how hard it is to enjoy anything while you are in a limbo/stagnant state.

You and Ryan are in my thoughts and prayers.

A said...

Yuck. I am so sorry. I think negative tests and CD1's during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season are even worse than during the rest of the year.

After our failed IVF in May, we have decided to forego any further treatments indefinitely. We have added acupuncture as a way to "naturally" enhance any fertility, as well as a healthier diet, but it does feel like we are stagnant many times... especially compared to everyone else who does ART cycle after ART cycle.

Hang in there, there are those of us who know how it is to be going through what you're going through (HUG)

Luna said...

I am so sorry. I hope the break, even though it will be hard, will bring you and Ryan, peace, comfort and clarity.

NLY said...

I am so sorry. BFN's are so hard, especially after treatment. The holidays are hard too. We did treatment during the holidays last year, I know the pain. Try to enjoy life while on your break, even though that seems impossible right now.

Hillary said...

I am so very sorry this cycle was negative. Thinking of you and extra glad you had some hopeful spiritual experiences in the midst of this.