Friday, February 27, 2009

For the Love of Animals

Every once in a while, I realize another gift that infertility has given me. Yes, in the midst of this frustrating and confusing existance, I periodically pause and think, "Wow, if I never had infertility, I never would have..."

One of these gifts is a love for animals. Now, I've had pets before and I've always loved them, but this is different.

Cosmo (yes my cat) has seen me cry more than anyone else. He lets me hold him, even when I can tell he doesn't like it. When Ryan leaves for work and I look around my big empty house, he makes it not seem so empty.

Recently we got another cat, Bella. It's been fun having her here too. Cosmo has a playmate, and I have another cuddlebug.

Cosmo and Bella have helped fill a deep hole in my heart and made the waiting not as painful. Had I been able to have my family right away, I'm not sure I would have pets, or think of them as kindly as I do. Now I know there will always be a place in our home for them.

Infertility has given me a love for animals. I am thankful for that.


Savannah said...

I love my Pyro, Missy, and Zipper. Especially my Zipper. He lets me love on him when ever I want. I call him my good little boy. Oh my, I talk about them just as if they were actual people.

Isa said...

what an awesome blessing!

Emily said...

I don't know if I could get through this without our little Libby. She is such a blessing. Your cats are sweet!

Emily said...

I don't know if I could get through this without our little Libby. She is such a blessing. Your cats are sweet!

Brenda said...

Before trying: 1 cat.

1st year of trying: add two guinea pigs.

2nd year of trying: add 3 hamsters

3rd year of trying: add another hamster.

The house is officially full of small, furry animals :)

Shannon said...

It is amazing how much pets can fill these holes in our lives. My dogs are my little loves. They know when I am sick and when I am sad and they are always right there to comfort me.