Monday, March 7, 2011

Jumping Beanie!

We got to see our little Beanie again this morning! No pictures because we were on our OB’s sad ultrasound machine (the “jalopy” he calls it). Beanie probably wouldn’t have held still for a photo op anyway; that little baby was bouncing around all over the place! Heart rate looks good and Dr. M’s prediction is a boy, although he said there is only a 52% chance he’s right. ;)

It was so comforting to see everything is okay, especially because I essentially walked around with full blown major infections (untreated) for over a week!

Dr. M also changed my due date back to September 30th, and that's where it will stay.

Our next peek inside will be at the specialist on the 29th. It’s starting to sink in that we might actually be having a baby later this year!


Savannah said...

Glad everything is still going well for Beanie. I am loving all of your updates!

DeAnna said...

So happy for you! I have been reading your blog and praying for you and Ryan for about a year now. Your faith is truly inspiring:)

A said...

I am jealous of all your ultrasounds!!! I don't think we will get another until 20 weeks :(

A said...

(that was me on the 3rd comment- no idea why it didn't connect with my profile correctly!)

Amy Nielson said...

YAY!! I bet the ultrasound tech will be able to tell you if it is a girl or a boy on the 29th. They were able to tell us it was a boy when I went to the specialist at 14 weeks.

Hillary said...

Aw, so glad Beanie was active and healthy!